Why Join the Club?
As a Get into the Game sporting club member, your club is taking a stand against sports betting sponsorship and helping its players to Get into the Game, not the odds.
Club presidents and committee members can register on behalf of their club.
By joining the Get into the Game program, your club will:
- Take a stand against sports betting sponsorship by refusing to accept revenue from sports betting providers
- Demonstrate leadership in tackling an issue of community concern
- Signal that its culture is one that prioritises the wellbeing of its players and our next generation.
At the footy clubs every year we get someone that talks about drugs and alcohol but there’s nothing around betting, ever. It just gets overlooked. Drugs and alcohol get talked about but why not betting because that’s associated with drinking?
Participant, 19 years old
Exclusive Benefits
Get into the Game partners receive:
- Resources to promote your club as a healthy and safe place
- Invitations to events and activities including education sessions
- Opportunities to participate in Get into the Game theme rounds
- Fun giveaways and merchandise
- Access to a gambling action plan to implement in your club
- Logo and link to your team’s website on the Get into the Game website
- Support and regular updates.
Who can Join?
Any sporting club or sporting organisation can join Get into the Game if they:
- Agree to not accept revenue from sports betting providers as part of the program’s charter
- Compete in a recognised sporting competition
- Are a committee member (or equivalent) and authorised to sign their club up.
Note: Clubs that receive revenue from gambling-related sources other than sports betting providers are not precluded from joining the program, but partners are encouraged to explore opportunities for alternative funding sources.
If you are unsure about your club’s eligibility to join Get into the Game, contact us by email at info@getintothegame.com.au
What’s Involved?
We encourage new members to create a gambling harm prevention policy to implement at your club. Together with your committee members, you can select from a list of actions your club will take to prevent and reduce gambling harm.
The club will have access to a range of free resources, including social media messages, web banners and educational videos ready to use and promote at any time of your choosing.
Every year, we will host a Get into the Game round in which all our partners are invited to participate. The aim is to raise awareness about the risks associated with sports betting and encourage young people to Get into the Game, not the odds.
Can you please just say one day in your post-match speech “don’t gamble, please”. Because I bet [athletes] would have a huge amount of influence… That’d probably make a lot of people not gamble. So, probably if they talked about gambling and told everybody not to gamble, then that would be a huge influence across the country and there would be a lot less people gambling.
Participent, 12 years old